Connecting creators with leading brands

We believe in empowering creators by connecting them with leading brands. Creators can collaborate with brands they love, helping them to grow their influence and reach a wider audience.

Receive gifts to create authentic and engaging content

Get products from your favorite brands as gifts. Our platform offers gifting opportunities, allowing you to receive products from brands and share your experiences with your audience.

Unlock exclusive coupons to boost audience engagement

As a creator on our platform, you'll have access to exclusive coupons that you can share with your audience. These coupons are a great way to incentivize your followers and enhance engagement.

Creator coupons

Discover the perfect match with our AI-powered matching engine

Finding the right match can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with language and culture differences. With our AI-powered matching engine, we make it easy for brands and creators in Europe and the Middle East to find each other. Our advanced algorithms analyze data points such as brand preferences, creator expertise, and audience demographics to ensure the perfect match. Say goodbye to endless searching and let our technology do the work for you.

Get shortlisted for exclusive deals

Join our influencer vetted network to gain credibility and access to premium collaborations. Showcase your talent and connect with brands you love.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about working with our platform and brands.

How do I join Swavy as a creator?

Simply sign up on our platform and complete your profile. From there, you can browse all available campaigns and apply to the ones that match your profile.

What are the benefits of joining Swavy as a creator?

Joining Swavy gives creators access to a wide range of brand partnerships, tools to track and optimize performance, and the opportunity for higher compensation when content performs well.

How do I get paid?

Creators on Swavy are paid based on the terms of each campaign they participate in using a performance-based model. Payments are processed through the platform, ensuring secure and timely transfers.

Can I work with multiple brands at once?

Yes! Swavy allows you to collaborate with multiple brands simultaneously.

What kind of support does Swavy offer to creators?

Swavy provides creators with dedicated support, including access to campaign performance insights, audience analytics, and personalized recommendations for content creation.

How do you know that Swavy is a good fit for me?

1. Swavy is a great fit if you want to maximize your earnings, as you'll be compensated based on the actual performance of your content.
2. Swavy is also a great fit if you enjoy collaborating with a variety of brands

How do we become a Swavy ambassador?

1. Maintain a positive and professional attitude in your collaborations
2. Focus on achieving great results with your content

What are the benefits of becoming a Swavy Ambassador?

1. Minimum Guaranteed Payment
2. Early Access to Campaigns
3. Priority Selection